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Episode 1

Should Psychiatry Exist?


Dr. Allen Frances, chairman and professor emeritus at Duke University and chairman of DSM IV task force, join us for the motion “This House regrets the rise of Anti-psychiatry”. In this episode we go on a deep examination of anti-psychiatry, critical psychiatry, and fight for the soul of mental health care. Proposition for this Debates is Dr. Monty El-tohami and Opposition is Dr. Jonathan Nahamias. 

Episode 2

The Psychiatric is Political


Dr. Bandy X Lee, President of the World Mental Health Coalition (worldmhc.org) and Organizer of the “Duty to Warn” conference, join us in an exciting discussion on the role of psychiatry in politics in the motion “This House believes that the psychiatric is politic“. Proposition for this debate is Dr. Monty El-tohami and opposition is Dr. Jonathan Nahamias. 

Episode 3

Religion an asset to Mental Health

Dr. Harold Koenig, Director for Center of Divinity, Spirituality and Health and Associate Professor of Medicine at Duke University, join us for an exciting debate around the role of religion and spirituality on mental health. In the motion “This House believes religion is an asset to mental health”, proposing is Dr. Jonathan Nahamias and Dr. Monty El-tohami is opposing.

Episode 4

Should physicians assist with suicide?


Dr. Mark Komrad, psychiatrist and medical ethicist turned activist against the rise of physician assisted suicide and euthanasia, joins Psych Debates for another exciting debate for the motions “This House regrets the rise of physician assisted suicide”. Proposition for this Debates is Dr. Monty El-tohami and Opposition is Dr. Jonathan Nahamias. 

Episode 5

The Cultural Is The Psychiatric


Dr. Roberto Lewis-Fernández, Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University and Head Developer of DSM-5’s Cultural Formulation Interview, joins Psych Debates for an exciting discussion on the topic of Cultural Psychiatry. Is it the real personalized psychiatry or is it the psychiatry of exotic lands and people? Join us for this episode to find out. Proposition for this debates is Dr. Jonathan Nahamias and the opposition is Dr. Monty El-tohami

Episode 6

Positive Psychotherapy: The Flourishing Human Being


Dr. Tayyab Rashid, clinical Psychologist at the University of Toronto, and the creator of Positive Psychotherapy along with Dr. Martin Seligman. This is a modality of therapy that utilizes the principles of positive psychology in the clinical practice setting. He joins Psych Debates for an exciting discussion. For more information and free resources on positive psychology and therapy visit Tayyabrashid.com and learn more about the great work he has been doing. For more episodes and exciting debates visit us at our home at psychdebates.com

Episode 8

Global Mental Health


Dr. Vikram Patel is a Professor of Global Health at Harvard Medical School. He joins Psych Debates for an exciting discussion on Global Mental Health and how psychiatric practice applies internationally. For more from Dr. Vikram Patel check out his lab at Harvard Medical School, the Mental Health for All lab (mentalhealthforalllab.hms.harvard.edu). 

Episode 9

Psychoanalysis and Psychodyanmics: What is it all really about?


Dr. Nancy McWilliams psychoanalytic/dynamic author, teacher, supervisor, and therapist. She currently teaches part-time at Rutgers University in New Jersey at the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology. She is a former president of the Division of Psychoanalysis  of the American Psychological Association.  Join us as we discuss ego, transference, dream analysis, trauma, and more. 

Episode 10

Money & Mental Health: Cash moves everything around me.

Annie Harper picture

What does money have to do with mental health? Join us for this episode with Dr. Annie Harper who is a social anthropologist at the Yale School of Medicine where she studies poverty, finances, and mental illness. We discuss the relationship of financial wellbeing and mental illness, banking systems, and more.

Episode 11

Race, Identity, & Radical Openness: How can we unlearn assumptions about people?


Should we be learning more about other cultures or people of different backgrounds? Or should we be unlearning assumptions we make about human beings? Join us for this episode with Dr. Anton Hart who is a Psychoanalytic Psychologist at the William Alanson White Institue in NYC. He is a training and supervising psychoanalyst, associate co-producer of the film, Black Psychoanalysts Speak and presents national and international on issues of diversity. Join us as we explore identity, race, and radical openness.

Episode 12

Psychotherapy & Differential Psychotherapeutics


Ever wonder what type of therapy would be best for you? or if you are in the mental health field, how to best go about delivering psychotherapy to different patients? Well if so, you’ve come to the right place. Dr. Deborah Cabaniss is a world-renowned figure in researching, teaching, and advancing psychotherapy. She is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and the director of psychotherapy training in the department of psychiatry at Columbia University. Check out her blog on Psychology Today: Psychology Today: Finding Mind. 

Episode 13

ACT: Towards A Unified Personalized Human Science of Improvement


Dr. Steven Hayes is the developer of Relational Frame Theory, an account of human higher cognition, and has guided its extension to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), a popular evidence-based form of psychotherapy that uses mindfulness, acceptance, and values-based methods. He is a co-developer of Process-Based Therapy (PBT), a new approach to evidence-based therapies more generally.

Check out the W.H.O adaptation of ACT in over 25 languages: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240003927

Check out Dr. Steven Hayes’s website: https://stevenchayes.com